Yunchi Pang

Yunchi Pang

🌱 my roots and adventures

I grew up on the outskirts of Taipei, where the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers were the backdrop to my upbringing. My roots are firmly planted in this dynamic urban environment, however, my path took me on an international adventure, living in places as diverse as Hong Kong, Mexico, China, and now the US. Living abroad has been an incredible journey that has shaped me into a more independent and mature individual . Each destination brought unique challenges and opportunities that have enriched my life in profound ways.

👩🏻‍💻 becoming a developer

Majoring in Business Analytics during my undergraduate degree, I discovered my love for programming through an unexpected encounter with an internship. Working closely with a self-taught software engineer, I became captivated by the intricacies of coding. What started as a curiosity soon evolved into a deep passion as I found immense satisfaction in creating software solutions to aid and empower colleagues. This revelation not only ignited my enthusiasm but also paved the way for a career shift towards becoming a software developer.

💃🏻 beyond the screen

Dancing has always held a special place in my heart. Over the years, I've dedicated time to train and improve my skills. Upon relocating to the Bay Area, I had the opportunity to join a dynamic hip-hop crew based in Oakland. Being part of this crew has granted me the privilege of performing at various venues across California. Dancing not only serves as a creative outlet but also teaches discipline, teamwork, and the power of self-expression. It's a passion that continues to inspire me, providing a balance to my life outside the world of software development.

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