Yunchi Pang

Yunchi Pang

Dynamic Programming guide on Coin Change

LeetcodeDynamic Programming

I encountered challenges while trying to solve dynamic programming problems on LeetCode. Thus, I decided to write myself a guide on the path of breaking down Leetcode 322. Coin Change.This guide starts with the recursive solution, progresses to a recursive solution with caching for optimization, and finally delves into the optimal dynamic programming solution.

what is dynamic programming?

Dynamic programming is effective in finding the best solution for problems with many duplicated subproblems. When faced with complex and structured problems, we can use dynamic programming to break down the problem into several smaller subproblems, identify patterns among them, and record the answers to these subproblems. When the same subproblem is encountered again, we can directly look up the previously computed answer from a table. It can be seen as a problem-solving approach that trades space for time.

1. recursive solution

def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:

    def dfs(amount):
		# base case: amount left == 0 or < 0
		if amount==0:
			return 0
		if amount < 0:
			return -1

		# recursive case
		result = amount+1 # set to an impossible num of coins
		for c in coins: # try to use every coin
			subProblem = dfs(amount-c)
			if subProblem != -1:
				result = min(result, 1+subProblem)

		# after trying all coins, return the result
		return result if result != amount+1 else -1

    return dfs(amount)

2. recursive solution + caching

def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:

	# key=amount, value=min num of coins sum up to amount
    cache = {}

    def dfs(amount):
		# base cases
		# bad: amount left == 0 or < 0
		if amount==0:
			return 0
		if amount < 0:
			return -1
		# good: already computed & cached
		if amount in cache:
			return cache[amount]

		# recursive case
		result = amount+1 # set to an impossible num of coins
		for c in coins: # try to use every coin
			subProblem = dfs(amount-c)
			if subProblem != -1:
				result = min(result, 1+subProblem)

		# after trying all coins, cache & return result
		if result == amount+1:
			result = -1
		cache[amount] = result
		return result

    return dfs(amount)

3. bottom-up dynamic programming

def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:
	# init dp array with every value==amount+1
	# so when final result dp[0]==amount+1, we know that there's no valid solution
	dp = [amount+1] * (amount+1)
	dp[0] = 0 # use 0 coinsto sum up to 0

	# bottom-up approach, solve min coins summing up to 1,2,3 ..., and 11
	for a in range(1, amount+1):
		for c in coins:
			if a-c >= 0: # if this coin is usable
				# number of min coins summing up to a can either be:
				# dp[a] -> the current min # coins we know so far
				# 1 + dp[a-c] -> min # coins summing up to a-c, and add 1 (this coin c)
				dp[a] = min(dp[a], 1+dp[a-c])

	return dp[amount] if dp[amount] != amount+1 else -1

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